Millennium Trail Wetland Monitoring Request

The Hubbs Creek and Slab Creek sections of the Millennium Trail are set to be resurfaced with an additional 6 inches of limestone screening as soon as the County allows the work to be done. In the meantime, members of the PEC Trails committee and PECFN are interested in trying to get a better understanding of how animals are using the trail, especially in the spring, summer and fall seasons – until things freeze up and the snow falls. We could use your help!

We need volunteers to occasionally walk the two wetland sections of the trail (between Danforth and Benway Rds and between Closson and Station Rds) and photograph any evidence of wildlife they see using the trail. That could include any animals on the trail dead or alive, or other evidence of animal use like disturbed turtle nesting sites, tracks, scat, etc.

Please email the photos to me at amy.bodman at Please send medium-sized files so that they are easy to download. We ideally would like to get GPS coordinates of the sightings and the date the photo was taken. Cellphones with data generally take photos with GPS coordinates and the date attached to them so we should be able to get that info off the photograph. If you don’t have that technology, a general description of where you took the image and the date you took it would suffice.

Information from this informal study will help us to determine how to better protect the wildlife with whom we share the trail.

Thank you so much for your help!

Amy Bodman

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