Millennium Trail – Terry Sprague

The Millennium Trail – a Trail for all Seasons with Terry Sprague. Presentation for the PEC Field Naturalists. Terry Sprague is a naturalist who lives on Big Island. His weekly columns on nature appeared in local newspapers for 50 years. He has held positions at Glenora Fisheries Research and as an interpretive naturalist at both Sandbanks Provincial Park (8 yrs.) and Quinte Conservation (17 yrs.).   He is recipient of the 2002 Pioneer Conservationist Award from Conservation Ontario, the 2004 Richards… Read More

Volunteer Appreciation Day

The date was Sept 27th at Karlo Estates. It was an excellent turn out of approx. 35 people. We had four draws for bottles of wine sponsored by Pedego PEC and presented by Sherry Karlo. Snacks and non alcoholic drinks were served. It was a good mix of maintenance volunteers, the gardening group, and our supporters. Everybody had a schmoozing great time. Four of our Board members and both of the Donors for the Hillier site and the Consecon site… Read More

Tree Planting

Sixty two trees planted this morning on the section of the Trail east of Wesley Acres Rd., both sides of the Trail, Seven different species of trees, deciduous and conifer. Our thanks to Cody Lowe (seen here) and Albert Paschkowiak, Operational Services, Prince Edward County who made this possible. Volunteer Karen Mouck lent a hand. Read More

Hillier Station nears completion

The pollinator garden is being groomed for the celebration by Barry Davidson, Lise Bois, Steve O’Brien, Kathy Bondi and Ursula Cattelan under the aegis of the PEC Horticultural Society. Preparations for the September 12 official opening of the Hillier Station are now completed. Well done everybody. Read More

Time for a haircut?

The County has advised that they will be mowing the sides of the Trail in about one month’s time. The roadside mowing program is about to start up and they will be doing the work in-house again this year. That strategy will allow the County to do the trail sides once they have completed the first round of roadsides. Read More