Kiosk design and features to be based on the successful Wellington model.
Click here to visit the Hillier Trailhead page.
Design/Construction Notes
- The kiosk structure contains a back-to-back bench, donor recognition plaques and information boards. Constructed by volunteers (building permit required). On the site plan, the kiosk is identified by a “K” which also includes the bicycle rack and repair stand.
- Toilet construction and materials shall match the kiosk. Constructed by volunteers (building permit required).
- As per Section 5.1.1 v) of the Comprehensive Zoning By-law, a sign and post shall be erected providing one barrier-free parking stall.
- Knee fence shall be constructed by volunteers to provide separation between the parking area and the rest area. The boxwood hedge row shall only be installed if a volunteer is willing to water for the first two years.
- Trailhead major sign to be installed that identifies the trail and provides regulatory and wayfinding signage.
- The parking area is currently gravel and will only require minor work.