Trail User survey [2020]
Take part in our 2020 three-season trail user survey. Not the human users, but the wildlife that use the trail.
The Hubbs Creek and Slab Creek sections of the Millennium Trail are set to be resurfaced with an additional 6 inches of limestone screening as soon as the County allows the work to be done. In the meantime, members of the PEC Trails committee and PECFN are interested in trying to get a better understanding of how animals are using the trail, especially in the spring, summer and fall seasons – until things freeze up and the snow falls. We could use your help! For more information, please read the Millennium Trail Wetland Monitoring Request for complete details of how to take part as many times as you want!

Image credit: Ramesh Pooran
And here’s an old friend.
Blandings Turtle spotted on the trail at Hubbs Creek on April 14 [2020]. This turtle has clearly been in a collision and been repaired and rereleased, probably repaired at Sandy Pines. It could well be the one that Dave Nixon released at Hubbs Creek off the Millennium Trail in the summer of 2016. He had found the turtle hit by a car on County Rd 2 right near the headwaters of Hubbs Creek and rushed it to Sandy Pines. After the turtle was rehabilitated, he released it off the trail because it is the same wetland.
2019 Spring Photographs
George Amaro’s Spring 2019 photographs from May 4/5 can be seen online. Much has changed in the twelve months since these images were captured.
You can see all of George’s Spring 2019 images here and be surprised when you re-visit the trail later this year!
And all the usual trail rules apply as well, of course.
Be safe and give space.
Website Update
Additional section added to present information and images of the Wetlands section of the trail
Wetlands – trail construction progress
A seasonal gift for all.
Pictures of construction in the wetlands.
Images © provided by Conrad Beaubien can be seen on the almost there page.
Trailhead Design Reviews [Public]
Plans for five new rest areas along the Millennium Trial will be presented at public meetings this week.
The rest areas are being patterned after the one in Wellington on West Street that has been in place for three years. The new rest areas may include an information kiosk, a bicycle repair stand, a bicycle parking rack, a picnic table, a seasonal washroom, and, in most locations, a parking lot.
The Ad Hoc Millennium Trail Upgrade Committee is hosting public design review meetings for trailheads. The committee will take the public’s feedback into consideration when these plans are presented to Council for approval. Construction is slated to take place in the spring of 2020.
Tuesday, December 10, 7 pm at the Picton Town Hall (2 Ross Street) to review two rest areas:
The Lake Street trailhead (next to the LCBO parking lot)
County Road 49 trailhead (near the Picton Golf Course)
Sunday, December 15, 7 pm at the Bloomfield Town Hall (289 Bloomfield Main Street) to review the rest area
where the trail crosses Stanley Street.
Monday, December 16 at 7 pm at the Hillier Town Hall (18560 Loyalist Parkway). Two proposed rest areas will be reviewed at the meeting:
In Hillier where the trail crosses Station Road
Near Consecon on Salem Road where the trail crosses Highway 33
Trail Upgrades
Upgrades to the Millennium Trail through the Slab Creek and Hubbs Creek provincially significant wetlands will start on Tuesday, November 12. This phase of upgrades will occur where the trail crosses Station Road in Hillier and continue east to Danforth Road.
- The elevation of the trail will be raised with gravel through the Slabb Creek and Hubb’s Creek wetland areas in order to prevent seasonal flooding of the trail.
- To improve the surface of the trail for the benefit of all users, construction crews will also be grading, applying 6” of limestone screenings, and rolling the surface of the trail.
- The work to upgrade the 4.5 km stretch of trail is expected to continue for approximately two weeks.
This section of the trail will be closed during the upgrade work and will be marked appropriately.
Trail Riders Safety
Via OPP Detachment Commander John Hatch provided a news release on Trail Safety. “DON’T CUT LIFE SHORT FOR THE SPORT,” SAY OPP AND OFATV.
With hunters and off-road enthusiasts taking advantage of the fall riding season, the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) is partnering with the Ontario Federation of ATV Clubs (OFATV) to remind all off-roaders to do their part to stay safe.
Web site update almost complete
Just a few loose ends to tidy up and the Freqently Asked Questions (with answers!) to be added. Take a look around; feedback welcomed.
Problems on the trail?
Unless the issue is clearly one for Emergency Services response, you can call the County:
Customer Service – 613 476 2148 X 1023